Adventures in Staking: Part II - Ark, Neo and more

In the first part of this article , I talked about several coins I had investigated, two of which require Active Staking, which means you need to run and maintain a network node. Something that was relatively easy to do, but required the attention and computer resources that I wasn't overly interested in providing. All of the coins mentioned in this second part of the article use a Passive Staking system. You may be required to jump through a hoop or two, such as voting for a delegate, but this is as passive as it gets. ARK Ark has a newer and increasingly popular form of Staking known as Delegated Proof of Staking (DPOS). In this case, you are not required to run any software. Instead, you 'loan' your coins out to someone else who agrees to keep a node up and running, and presumably, will be engaged in the network's development and ecosystem. Loaning the coins out is done via a voting system that is available within the ARK client. Each delegate has their own ...