Gods Unchained Early Beta - First Impressions

Disclaimer: This is a preview of a very early beta for the Gods Unchained digital Trading Card Game. Only a small subset of cards and Gods are currently available for play. This article does not represent a view of the completed product. If you find this article useful, interesting, or amusing, consider using my referral link if you decide to purchase any cards. In short, fun and addictive. It carries on the tradition of Magic: The Gathering, allowing players to build decks from a slew of cards to try and create powerful combos and creatures with which to defeat their opponents. Being purely digital, Gods Unchained will be often compared to Hearthstone (which I have not played). The main difference between the two, is that in Gods Unchained, players can actually own the cards they play with! The cards will be represented as tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and will thus be given an explicit ownership, allowing them to be bought, sold, and traded. There is also a s...