Crypto Tales Part 3 - The Crash of '18

In mid-December of the year two thousand and seventeen, Bitcoin hit an all-time high, reaching a valuation of nearly $20,000 per coin! It dipped heavily afterwards, but seemed to recover over the next couple of weeks. I took the opportunity to diversify into numerous Altcoins during the slump, and was rewarded as they all rode the waves upwards, many hitting their all-time highs in early January. Then, all the markets began to crumble. Bitcoin prices in late 2017/early 2018 None can say for sure what caused this crash (aside from, "it was due" -- though it should also be noted that there was a large crash in the stock market at the same time ), but there was certainly plenty of bad news going around to help foster a generally negative sentiment towards Cryptocurrency Bitconnect, a somewhat popular trading platform closed shop after being filed with cease-and-desist letters from two different U.S. state governments . Warren Buffet, a respected guru of financial wisd...